We help You to drive your business to the next level
Our story
Founded in the Netherlands, JLM Finance Aqcuisition helped Businesses and Companies with their Financial Struggles since 2019. Since 2021 we changed the company into JLM Business Holding to multiply our capabilities, to guard cognitive asset in better way for the businesses, after dealing constantly with companies and businesses being closed due to financial struggles, and the businesses willing to merge with other businesses to rise their revenew and with people, searching to buy businesses.
With our professional team, JLM Business Holding translates the theory into result. Our team is like a family and works for You and structures Your Business.
Our Vision:
Strategic analyses (picture) – Assessing the knowledge base for value creation.
Market analyses: (picture) Delivering hands on framework for successful execution.
Business Coaching: – (picture) Improving decision making process.